Friday, September 22, 2006

Damn Activists

I thought i had some pretty good pics this evening.
but those damn greens are an active lot, they keep moving.
Sometimes it was me:

outside smoking, hard to get a shot from this far.

Most times it was everyone else.

too late, bad photographer; left to right now:

George Martin, with Peace Action, and our great and benevolent old guard apparatchik, is already going.

Winston Sephus Jr, is a good state Treasurer candidate, (like the rest he's aware movement doesn't photo well).

Bob Levis, working to replace Sensenbrenner, all the way off stage already.

Leon Todd, for Lt Governor, face ablur.

Rae Vogler, doing quite well against Kohl, but you can hardly tell from this pic.

Claude VanderVeen, running for the 7th State Senate seat, looks like he's thinking, but he always does.

Ruthie, invaluable Co-Chair of... too many committees, is definately gonna be in motion.

Before i can snap another even Liz (yet another one of our army of overpaid professional cadre), will also be to moving too fast for my cheap camera to capture.

Thought i had some good ones of Rae, but this is the best result here, you can almost see the charm, charisma, and command of the issues that make her such a good candidate, but that stuff doesn't even photo well even when she's not all blurry.

ditto ..3, other side of mike stand, between them these two shots have a neat symetricality...

Aaahh, i have one of both George and Rae standing still, i like to get the behind the scenes, but this one says nothing.

all it says is hey, look at all the cool Cuban rum Rick brought, and salmon, behind Rae! and look how high the ceiling is.

It says it clearly however.

Ahh, Winston and Bob stand still for me...

no, wait, everyone's actually moving still.

Here we have my favorite, a large swarm consisting of much of our statewide horde of operatives, standing, listening, i think they were even trying to help me get a good shot.

but that one there just can't stop being such an activist, you should see George dance, man!

L2R again:

Claude VanderVeen thoughtful guy for 7th dist. State Senate.

George Martin, dances for Peace Action Wisconsin, United for Peace & Justice, coalition generally, and well, Peace.

Marc Sanson, Rae's campaign manager, pondering his candidates words.

Ruth looking thoughtful too.

Gee, i guess they do stand still sometimes.

Must think, communicate, reach consensus, then act.

but moving much of the time, activists are active!

well, at least as active as i'm gonna get.

While the main thing we could learn from this is that a good photographer doesn't go outside for a smoke during the climatic photo op,

but there's the other lesson too:

For more proof that greens are too active to capture, we flashback to Radfest:

Here we have two candidates and myself.

On the left is Nelson Eisman, running for Governor, with David Cobb, our last presidential candidate, in the center.

Even though the three of us are holding each other up, we still can't stand quite still.

So it is that David, the old hand, gave out some good candidate advice,
well, for the likes of me good anyway.

He said that a candidate should always make sure to occasionally hold a pose, or more importantly, just be still, so that everyone will get a good shot of that moment.

I somewhat caught Nelson reacting too actively to the concept itself,
while Dave practises...

Our hordes of fanactic secret cadre watch studiously, calculating, absorbing like blank slate sponges.

David does it some more, but wait, everyone is being still here.

Well as our dictatorial head muck a muck, and presidential loser...

well, when he speaks the cadre must slavishly listen.

but wait, whats this??

This young man is speaking quite activly, and is currently in motion

empatically pulling the trigger on those in the crowd...

i wish i could remember the young man's name.

He was laying down the most powerful of raps at a police brutallity rally earlier in the summer.

and here's George quite in motion.

hmmmm have we learned something here today boys and girls?

something about the sun, even overcast and in shade, being better at capturing the activist than lifeless indoor bulbs.

We had some fun tonight, Rae was charming in her new (to me) haircut, and i learned even better how not to photograph.

Earlier Leon, Bob, Chris, Chad, and myself were at the UWM student union for a green fair.

Then later Chad signed on as primary contact with GPUWM, and Chris Doering is aboard.
Now we need two more, of the 6 of us, to sign up by mon afternoon.
We also found out GPUWM has accumulated a 318$ budget!!
now maybe we should figure out how to spend it
agenda item number 1? anyone?


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