Calling all GREENS we need you now!
Hello Greens!
This is your chance to get involved and really
feel like you're part of democracy!
We need everyone to pitch in and help get
Pete Karas on the ballot for Secretary of State.
There are only 7 days left! Signatures are due in Madison
at 5 pm next Tues. July 13.Nomination paper for Pete Karas can be downloaded @:
(also attached to top story at doesn't look good, but think about the reality.
I got about 170 yesterday at the park where the
"4th" celebration was going on.
if only 25 more people just fill 10 pages...
We need more than the minimum 2000
since we know some signatures will be rejected. Please do your part-
if you can fill 1/2 a page, good.
1 page better, 10 pages Great!
Think about any place there is a gathering of people-
free music festivals, fairs, church celebrations,
concessions stand at the beach-
especially where people waiting in a line-
nothing else to do but help get a GREEN PARTY
candidate on the ballot, right?Ruth recommended bus stops,
but make sure there's time before the bus comes. Thanks! Remember - before you turn the sheets in,
please look them over carefully
and make sure they are complete.
We are allowed to correct the date
(make sure the year is correct) and
fill in if they left out the municipality.
The more valid signatures you turn in,
the more likely we are to see PETE KARAS
on the ballot in November.
If we get Pete on the ballot,
we have a good chance of getting the votes we need
to keep our ballot status-
that means we'll keep our Blue Book listing too!Do the best you can, but DO SOMETHING! Thanks everybody!Barb Eisenberg, CoChair, Greater Milwaukee Green Party
This is your chance to get involved and really
feel like you're part of democracy!
We need everyone to pitch in and help get
Pete Karas on the ballot for Secretary of State.
There are only 7 days left! Signatures are due in Madison
at 5 pm next Tues. July 13.Nomination paper for Pete Karas can be downloaded @:
(also attached to top story at doesn't look good, but think about the reality.
I got about 170 yesterday at the park where the
"4th" celebration was going on.
if only 25 more people just fill 10 pages...
We need more than the minimum 2000
since we know some signatures will be rejected. Please do your part-
if you can fill 1/2 a page, good.
1 page better, 10 pages Great!
Think about any place there is a gathering of people-
free music festivals, fairs, church celebrations,
concessions stand at the beach-
especially where people waiting in a line-
nothing else to do but help get a GREEN PARTY
candidate on the ballot, right?Ruth recommended bus stops,
but make sure there's time before the bus comes. Thanks! Remember - before you turn the sheets in,
please look them over carefully
and make sure they are complete.
We are allowed to correct the date
(make sure the year is correct) and
fill in if they left out the municipality.
The more valid signatures you turn in,
the more likely we are to see PETE KARAS
on the ballot in November.
If we get Pete on the ballot,
we have a good chance of getting the votes we need
to keep our ballot status-
that means we'll keep our Blue Book listing too!Do the best you can, but DO SOMETHING! Thanks everybody!Barb Eisenberg, CoChair, Greater Milwaukee Green Party
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