Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oppose the Whole Wing-nut Budget(s!) Agenda(s?)

Learn all your representatives' and Senators' contacts @

First call "DC", tell them not to cut Head Start, Libraries, and the rest of education, 

nor eliminate family planning, retiree benefits, nor public airwaves.

Tell them them next round they better gut the Pentagon instead of people.

Be nice, be clear, be heard.

Not in a hurry to get to the demo? contribute to jamming the system.
Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121, if that is not working,
call (877) 753-5578 and follow the instructions to reach your state lawmakers directly.

Then call up your Reps in Madison, also listed here:
Make sure to find the Madison office phone number and use that,
or call your state legislators toll-free, dial 877-753-5578

Scott Walker must be stopped!
He is not the only wing-nut in pursuit of total impoverishment and devaluation,
nor is there only one path towards rapidly expanding widespread dis-empowerment.
Likewise our paths away from precarity requires many avenues.

Here are some of the actions this week in Madison:

Tuesday (2/15) & Wednesday (2/16) Days of Action

9:30 AM Legislative Briefing & Lobby Training (301 Wisconsin Ave, Madison)

11:00 AM Rally on the Capitol Steps

1:00 PM [After the Rally] Grassroots Lobbying Visits with Legislators

much more detail in this pdf :
Candle Light Vigil

Free AFSCME bus schedule for today.

"This document summarizes the provisions of January 2011 Special Session Senate Bill 11 
and its companion, January 2011 Special Session Assembly Bill ___ (LRB 1426/1)"

Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau

Top 10 Things You Should Know about Scott Walker's Budget Repair Bill

The following sites allow you to protest specific cuts in the budgets.

One Wisconsin Now
"I oppose Gov. Scott Walker's unprecedented power grab to use government 
to take away the rights of Wisconsinites."

American Rights At Work
"I strongly urge you to vote 'NO' on Gov. Scott Walker’s budget adjustment bill"

Planned Parenthood of America
"Walker's budget repair bill threatens BadgerCare!"

"I Oppose the Budget Repair Bill and Want My Voice Heard!"

Planned Parenthood and Credo Action
"I can't believe that Congress is considering eliminating all funding for ... , the National Family Planning program."

Here are a couple news items for recent background:

Thousands gather at Capitol to protest Walker budget bill

Public employees: Low-wage workers would be the hardest hit

If you have time left, the American Library Association has been radicalized
by decades of library budgets cuts and no inflation adjustments.
Their site is a gold mine of good resources on many things.

The dire though well proven need for libraries in school.
It has a map of how many have shut down or combined, zoom in on WI.

Posted via email from geanark's posterous


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