Give to the Green Party The National Committee of the Green Party of the United States is holding its annual meeting this weekend in Alfred, New York. The Green Party of New York State is also holding its latest Green Fest - a celebration of green culture, politics, and sustainability. If you are in the area, you can register on-site for Green Fest starting Friday, August 5. If you can't make it in person, you can watch it live! We will be streaming much of the program online - just click here to see the discussion and participate in live chat. Streams will also be archived so you can check back later and see what you missed. It is not enough to oppose toxic drilling, the false hope of perpetual economic growth, and injustice - we need alternatives. The most difficult questions of sustainability are not about technology; they are about implementing our values. At the NY Green Fest and Green Party Annual National meeting we will explore the politics that enable us to live in a sustainable world. You can participate in this exploration wherever you are through our live streaming video and chat! We have 18 great workshops scheduled to be streamed live. Check out the schedule here (scroll down). You can RSVP for the live streaming sessions and get email reminders to tune in. The program begins Friday at 9am. If you like what you hear and see, please consider supporting the Green Party of the United States by making a contribution which will help us expand our programming and make more national and local events available for viewing live. And thank you for helping increase the visibility of the Green Party in your community. Support the Green Party! Contribute today. A Greener future is within our reach. Your donation today can help us bring the vision we share a little closer to reality. You can sustain the Green Party by making a monthly contribution here. Spread our message by joining us on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you! Unsubscribe from future mailings here. | | |
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