Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Koch Industries, A List of Crimes Just Begging for Stronger Regulations


If you read the article you will find that, as usual, the costs they pay are usually smaller than the profits from wrong doing. In some cases cited there was no cost, in many cases the cost is a secret, due to a settlement.

The one time they didn't profit was the singular crime of blowing up two children in front of their father.

The main function of the anti-regulation crybaby is to avoid the issue of how useless, and easily ignored, regulation is.
The EPA, for example, never did have teeth, in terms of enough legal budget to prosecute more than 1% of the evidence, and it has been consistently starved since inception.

I googled "boycott koch", to pick the best list... too much work, you choose.

Posted via email from geanark's posterous


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