Green Party Convention Livestream for the rest of today
• 1:55 pm: Keynote speaker Gar Alperovitz, historian and political activist (
Monte Letourneau - Necedah WI
WIGP Corresponding Secretary, GPUS NC Delegate,
, on the Green New Deal; guest speakers • 2:48 pm: State roll call and voting for the nomination. Times for events after this are tentative, depending on how long it takes to complete the nomination process. • 3:40 pm: Presidential campaign speech • 3:55 pm: Vice-Presidential nomination and speech • 4:10 pm: Speech of the 2012 Presidential NomineeThere are several videos from earlier today you can select from the list below, right now is a class on social media.
Monte Letourneau - Necedah WI
WIGP Corresponding Secretary, GPUS NC Delegate,
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