Friday, September 22, 2006


from propaganda from all three sides

this started out as a search for humor in the days after Beruit was first shelled

these kids today, and thier "social network technology" don't really know what is going on

what is going on is be the media, so
a lot of what is listed here
is available thru
where everyone can share flash vids

many are made by individual kids screwing around,
but there is concious propaganda here also,

like this one, an accord ad which cost six million dollars and took three
months to complete,
it is made out of accord parts and took 606 takes.
it is far too long for tv play but has spread like fire among social web toolage like YouTube.

i don't expect you to spend weeks on this like i did,

but if you get most of your info from commercial media, i recommend you look at them all.
see how many you can get through, and tell me it didn't change you.

some of this is from 'them', some from 'us', and most of the raw material came
through the fiter of the news on one side of the other.

keep in mind that all of these images were shot to make one point or another.

there is a constant thought of psy-ops behind all we do in war today;

and this is also where the revolution runs strong; counter psy-ops by the average citizen.

Voting Machine 1:07

The Arab psy-ops war against Israel 5:43 OH! NO! unfair advantage #x

i am not antiIsreali, antiJew, nor antiMuslim, i am antizionist.

one could simply say that i am anti-ist, and consider Zionism the worst ism.

Free Palestine 4:03 just human people

first, the most recent ironies, where lies the preponderance of the evidence?

we'll look at Lebanon, Palestine, and the G8 summit, then some humor;

you might not want to use up all the humor first...

if you hate the Daily show, you may want to skip a bit.


these first few sets aren't funny,
unless you've become more twisted by terror then i have:

Israeli terror 3:10

Trailer - If Americans Only Knew 5:36

AP Erases Video of Israeli Soldier Shooting Palestinian Boy 5:55

why wasn't he home with his play station, where he belongs?

New World Lies 5:55 "take the power back" rage against the machine

who - are the terrorists 4:26 dreams of waking

Iraq War Bush 2:43

Media War 5:05

Collect Call from History 6:33


What Is Permaculture 8:45

ABO DUDE - PART 1 6:33 more permaculture

youtube featured video! maybe 2:05 how did the cat get so fat?

Re: Lets ask for peace in the Middle East! 2:36

Re: Lets ask for peace in the Middle East! 1:58

Peace Starts With Your LIPS 1:16


there seems to be an growing understanding that Israel keeps being forced
to give into UN demands.

Brief History of Israel 1:36

an in-depth analysis to counter point the historical analysis
somebody needs to hire her for counter-counter-psy-ops,
his stupendous analysis is too deep for me:
"you can do a search on say like John Bolton and Newt Gingrich,
those people have very open non-biased views and tell it like it is."...
and "australian news guy" too!


Israel is in defiance of 69 UN Security Council resolutions

this capture fully reveals the true duplicity of the antisemites (zionists).

Israel/Palestine 4:56

apparently, israel is full of atheist euro-racist anti-semites;

the Orthodox view:

Zionism versus Judaism Part 1 of 6 9:57

Zionism is not a religion. Zionism is secular nationalism for reformed jews.

Zionism versus Judaism Part 2 9:59

the covenant: to be holy people, emulate Allness, or be rejected by the land

Zionism versus Judaism Part 3 9:59

the oath "you shall not rebel against any nations, you shall not go back in mass to israel, you shall not try to end the exile"

Zionism versus Judaism Part 4 9:59

Zionists prevented the buying of hungarian jewish lives from hitler (whoa!).

Zionism versus Judaism Part 5 9:59

"Zionists terrorized the Jews." "We are forbidden by God to have a state, we are forbidden to oppress a people."

Zionism versus Judaism Part 6 9:59
"it is a problem with a movement that has nothing to do with God." "we must pray to God
for the speedy and peaceful dismantling of this illegal state"...

"God is the one who accomplishes; the USSR also disappeared overnight"

Jewish march against Zionism 3:31

"the Jewish religion forbids the Jewish people from having a state, the Jewish people are exiled"

"it's against th e Jewish beliefs, and all the actions that emanate from Zionism, the oppression of a people,
the stealing the land, and even the oppression of the orthodox people ...
that's all against God, against the Torah, and they, they do this all in the name of the Torah and the name of Judaism.
So we want the world to know"
ideally we would hope that the United States government stop supporting Isreal, they think they're doing them a favor,
but basically zionism is the main cause of antisemetism in the world"

Anti-Zionist Jewish Protestors 3:22

"athieistic, nationalistic, movement; extremely opposed to the basic faith of Judaism"
an eloquent defense by a Zionist, "you morons, you deserve to die, and your children should piss on your bones"

Over 10,000 Orthodox Jews protesting the existence of the state of Israel

Over 10,000 Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews protested outside the Israeli Consulate


Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss 4:34

Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews brutally attacked pt1 1:01 such vehemence!

Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews brutally attacked p2 0:51

Rebbe Rabbi Shelka of Nikolsburg 6:50

Rambam Maimonides Rabbi & Doctor 5:32

Jerusalem-Based Rabbi Discusses Present Conflict 8:14 testify brother!

wow, i knew the Orthodox weren't ardent Zionists, but.. wow!

Jewish Voice for Peace promo 3:10

The Philosophy of Zionism & Israel - Harun Yahya 37:55 an in depth history

Jews Against the Occupation - Anti-Wall Protest

Israeli Spying - Part 1 of 4 4:59 Fox News

then why do they have more of our weapons than anyone else?

even the one's we developed, but can't afford?

a much more effective rebuttal from "Zion":

Free Your Mind 6:34 Zion is exile Matrix, i think i'll convert.

uh, i'm open to suggestions...

Rabbi Meir Kahane Vs. Ehud Olmert 8:06 Ted Koppel

Rabbi Sacks 2:16

Rabbi Avi Weiss speaking about religious zionism 1:45

Progressive Zionist perspective on current conflict 9:03

The Persecution of Revisionists 9:49



Lebanon Israel Facts the Media Isn't Telling You 6:50

Protest Lebanon bombing in Tokyo 22th July 2006 4:40 we are all hizbollah!

London demo against Israeli aggression in Lebanon 0:26

Kalamazoo protest against Israeli aggression in Lebanon 0:34

Chicago rally for Lebanon 7-22-2006 2:08

Lebanon Rally in Chicago 7/22/06 #2 0:30

A new massacre in southern Lebanon 2:45

Lebanon Rally in Chicago 7/22/06 #5 0:30

Lebanon Rally in Chicago 7/22/06 #6 0:26

Lebanon Rally in Chicago 7/22/06 #7 0:30

Lebanon Rally in Chicago 7/22/06 #8 0:44

Lebanon Rally in Chicago 7/22/06 #9 0:15

Lebanon Rally in Chicago 7/22/06 #10 0:58

Lebanon Rally in Chicago 7/22/06 #11 0:05

Lebanon Rally in Chicago 7/22/06 #12 0:20

Kalamazoo protest against Israeli aggression in Lebanon 0:34

love america 1:16

The Death Of Innocents- The Destruction Of Lebanon 5:06 U2

Israel Attacks- Lebanon Burns 4:56

Don't cry for me 3:14

Israeli Airstrikes 1:46

Israeli Airstrikes 2 4:05

Israeli Airstrikes 3 0:17

Israeli Airstrikes 4 0:26

Israeli Airstrikes 5 0:56

Israeli Airstrikes 6 0:38

Israeli Airstrikes 7 3:18

Israeli Airstrikes 8 0:24

Israeli Airstrikes 9 1:29

Israeli Airstrikes 10 0:18

Israeli Airstrikes 11 0:15

Israeli Airstrikes 12 0:25

Israeli Airstrikes 13 1:08

War in Lebanon: Destruction of Hezbollah Targets 1:39

war on lebanon (1) July 16, 2006 0:50

Lebanon, is not funny, but in the first week these next four were all i could find:


Israel/Lebanon Fallout 1:46 Daily Show

media coverage of the war in Lebanon 3:49 Daily Show

Israeli-Lebanon crisis 3:00 Daily Show

For What It's Worth Lebanon 2:34

Israeli and Arab TV News Show Different Sides of War 10:15

what the world should know 5:39

Jon Snow confronts Dep. Israeli Ambassador on Israeli terror 4:10 "what do you need to bomb a power station for?"

UN Officer's Lebanon Trip 1:41

Lebanon - July 2006 - State Sponsored Terrorism 3:04

Murder of Beirut 3:03

Speech at Stop the War protest 1:20

Protest for Lebanon in Central London 1:17

The Death Of Innocents- The Destruction Of Lebanon 5:06

War in Israel 2:09 we're not gonna take it

War in Lebanon: Destruction of Hezbollah Targets 1:39

lebanon 1:19

Israeli Terrorism 4:36

Israeli F16 shot down over Lebanon 0:50

Hezbollah Takes BBC Into Wasteland of Southern Beruit 2:31


Israeli terror 3:10

Hezbollah: Lebanese Defenders 5:49

Israel Lebanon News 6:04

Israel Bombs Beirut Killing Hundreds of Civilians 1:56

Huda Gaza Lebanon Israel state terror 1:58

Israel Tanks Move CNN

13 days of war CNN

Lebanon Tribute 1:38

Destroying Lebanon 4:02

How Safe is Safety Bombing by Israel? 1:25

palestine via lebanon 2:14

Lebanon Tribute 1:38


Palestine - every day 2:38

Israeli raid on Gaza 20 / 07 / 2006 2:30

Gaza & West Bank:

The Wall of Hate 7:43

Israeli Policy of Closure 2:21

israeli oppression 8:48 protest of the wall building

Check Points 0:29

Palestinian Woman's Speech 5:30

Palestine (Our Homeland) 23:12 history 101

punishment =no bread for you 1:41

Owners of Palestine 1:04

palestine cheldren 5:50

all war is a war on children, by children

Palestine 3:50

Israel/Palestine 4:56

Gaza and West Bank, 1992 5:13


Occupation 101 new trailer 3:55

Palestine 112 9:28

Video Israel Doesn't Want You to See 2:56 CBC NEWS

israeli oppression 8:48 video they really don't want you to see

"Israeli Massacre" of Picnicking Palestinians 2:08

Israeli Attack on Palestinian Family on Gaza Beach 2:10 in Arabic

Israeli Air Strikes & Seizure of Hamas Leaders

Israeli Terrorism 4:36

Challenge for Humanity: Crisis in Palestine Part 1 of 5 9:42

American student describes situation in Bethlehem 10:02

CNN Special Report! 2:06 homegrown self parody

O Innocent Child!! 2:53

original raps:



Meen Er Habi (Free Palestine) 4:04 Ramsey Clack gives aid and comfort

Palestine- Listen to my story 3:36 sweet mellow rap

Who's the terrorist now? 4:04

DAM - Born here 4:11

peace by peace 3:50


UN ambulance picking up fighters in Gaza Strip 1:08 omg! material support for the injured, and thier friends, and thier guns!
maybe if Israelis protected the ambulances, instead of shooting at them...

Huda Gaza Lebanon Israel state terror 1:58

Palestine Demo 0:32

palestinians r for the palestinians 4:12
Video Arab

Israeli terror 3:10

Jerusalem-Based Rabbi Discusses Present Conflict 8:14


now, some more humorous takes on things:

G-8 summit:

Bush and Putin Spar at G8 Summit 1:42 AP

G-8 open mike 1:29 CNN

G-8 open mike with commentary 2:17 CNN

G8 Coverage 5:24 Daily Show

you gotta watch a short ad first, but i think it's worth it, press the littler play button.
huffingtonpost / stop-this-shit this is a really great folk song on the recent G8 summit

truthout / The Ballad of Dumb George the story of gaffs at G8; text

jokes about Bush swearing on tv 1:30 Colbert Report




"Getting To Know U.S." A Pax Americana Inc. Video 3:07

William Bennett 7:54 Daily Show

Cafferty File: Cowboy Diplomacy 1:24 CNN


funny stuff

MySpace on The Daily Show 6:12 Daily Show

Osama, Blair and various celebrities 9:00 2DTV

Interview - Reza Aslan 6:08 Colbert Report

Border Security with Mr Bush 0:32 ABC

writes itself has become so overused during recent administrations

border control 0:11

Lewis Black- Red White & Screwed clips 9:29

SNL.PresidentGore.wmv 4:19 Gore retrospective of his presidency

but this guy being this funny, with these lines... a big hm???

My Pet Goat...... 1:16 Bill Maher with michael moore

Stephen Colbert - Media's Role in the War in Iraq 3:35 a good overview ;)

Top Ten Bush Moments 2:09 David Letterman

bushspeechwriter write your own bush quote audio with this easy database



can produce a lot of laughs.

Bush and Cheney - A politic of hope 0:42 Daily Show

Torture 3:03 Daily Show - the best

Chris Rock about the War on Terror 5:29

Terror targets 1:39 Colbert Report

The Word: Inquisition 3:56 Colbert Report

Absolutely Maybe 3:12 Colbert Report

Threat Down 5:53 Colbert Report

Better Know a District - Georgia's 8th! 6:36 Colbert Report

Better Know a District - Florida's 19th 5:50 Colbert Report

The Long War 3:36 Colbert Report

The Word - Lock & Load + Alan! 5:04 Colbert Report

Between Iraq and a Hard Place 49:21 BBC comedy

Beyond Iraq and a Hard Place 49:22 BBC comedy


Democracy ain't always funny:

Freedom of Assembly/Speech - yeah, right 3:44 pole films start of police riot in DC

"Dawn of Devolution" 0:58

middle east 3:08 Mad World

Bullshit Patriot Act 2:09 Penn and Teller interview Amy Goodman

Democracy Blues 1:10

GEORGE W. BUSH: "I'm not a dictator!" 0:32

Scary Diebold Voting Clip 2:14 Fox News


Rigged USA Elections Exposed 11:48 hearing

Stolen Election 2004 9:47 back up for above very important link

Ohio 2004 - The truth behind the voting machines 3:45 hearing; captions en espanol


Diebold Voting 9:46 PBS

Electronic Voting Fraud 2:35 CNN

Cafferty File: Election Thievery 1:59 CNN

The American Voting System: HACKED 2:35CNBC a simple walk thru of how to hack a diebold system

Investigative Reporter Greg Palast on Election Fraud 9:48 CSPAN2

Investigative Reporter Greg Palast on Election Fraud (Part2) 1:06 CSPAN2

Florida Election Fraud Scandal 10-26-2004 1 of 2 6:38 Greg Palast

Greg Palast 16/5/06 5:50 Democracy Now !; privatizing snooping = lynching by laptop

What went wrong in Ohio? 0:41 on the scene amatuer

Lynching by Laptop 2:19

Lynching by Laptop Part 2 2:20

Cathy Cox and Election Deception 03/04/04 4:45 Georgia hearing

Election Deception-Cathy Cox 3/11/04 4:17 Georgia hearing

Cox Surrogate Deceives Elections Oversight Committee 5:12 Georgia hearing

Cafferty File; All the Children Left Behind 1:34 CNN

America From Freedom to Facism 4:21 economic democracy / fascism = corporatism

Iraqi Elections December 2005 3:44 stills, no comments

What IRAQIS think about AMERICANS 2:33

on Secret Societies and Freedom of the Press 5:23 JFK Speech

Freedom: My Anti-Gov 0:45

Republican Agenda - Grapevine 3:56

Bill of Rights 6:34

WarrantlessDHSraid 4:27

Bill of Rights or Bust 1:38

The Battle for America Montage 3:52 deep, highly recommended

"American Devolution" 0:29


Bush & Dick:

Bush Heckled at NAACP Meeting 1:13

Bush Gets Standing Ovation @ NAACP Convention 0:35

Dick Cheney : Ultrahawk, Neocon, Traitor 8:58 CBCNEWS

Cheer up campanarios! state terror may suck, but this stuff is funny!
i don't mean the war, i mean our "leadership"

Dead-Eye Dick 10:28 Daily Show

Scientific Proof Cheney's Shooting Story A Lie 10:40

Surprise Visitor at the White House 0:31

Dick Cheney's "Suite Demands" 3:07 Daily Show

Cheney's "Last Throes" statement June 2005 8:56 Daily Show

Cheney STILL Believes The Iraq Insurgency In Its Last Throes 1:23 FOX

now, back to


How To Bash Bush - A Lesson 4:53 Daily Show

Will Ferrell is George Dubya Bush in Whitehouse West 4:02

Will Ferrel on George Bush on Global Warming 3:39

this 'uns too loud

The Bush Family's Greatest Hits 0:39 Daily Show

Thou Shalt Not Lie: Part III 4:48 Daily Show

- Bush - Because he said so 4:29 Daily Show

All The President's Words 4:11 Daily Show

George W. Bush Uncensored 0:21 Daily Show

Bush Collage 1:16 Daily Show

Formidable Opponent 4:17 Steve Colbert - 6-15-2006

How It All Began: George Bush? Hmm... President? 1:26

Bush Script Writer 4:03 a speechalist's story

George W Bush Finally Comes Clean 4:08

Again stupid Bush 2:47

George W. Bush is gay 3:16

Gay Marriage 5:02 Daily Show

Threat Down: The Homo-Sexy Edition 5:02 Colbert Report

Me 3:32 Colbert Report

Gov. Bush Vs. Pres Bush 5:36 Daily Show

Bush: Debate 4:44 Daily Show

Behind the 8-Ball at the Pump 3:28 Daily Show

"Oh, Really? bin Laden? Who?" 1:24 Daily Show

Alito's confirmation hearings 2:54 Daily Show

Animal House Summit Maureen Dowd text

get your war on comix

THE JOKER (Steve Miller Does Dubya) text

The G-DOH-P text

Bush's surprise speech to Stanford protestors 5:04 this one seems a little fake, i suspect an imposter

George W Bush Porn 1:38

The Five Second Rule 0:53 some kid with potato chips

Anti-Recruitment Ad #2: Runner 0:39

Anti-Recruitment Ad #3: Latino Soldiers 0:37 apaches! yah! go army!

Anti-Recruitment Ad #1: Firefighters 0:36 train for your future

imagine by Bush 2:08

Bush Iraq Update - The world would be better off if we left! 0:21


Boom Boom 2:49

george tells a joke 1:40

King George & the Administration of Fear 3:35 i hope you found this less hilarious than i did

what where we thinking 2:32 george is a joke


Let's invade somewhere, ... hmmm:

Invading IRAN 7:19 Daily Show

Their Oil Fields 1:05

What country should we invade next? 1:26

apparently some of us have the truthiness of a scammin crackhead when it comes to oil
to bad that won't help ya none; anywhere else you'd like to drive up the price of oil?
how about Venezuela? that one could last a good long while,

we could concievably keep it extra costly, right on up to running out.


War On Iraq - Your Opinion! 0:59

george tells a joke 1:40 those WMD gotta be somewhere

this shit is only so funny for so long....


hats off to


Are you afraid to die? 4:14

YEARLYKOS Con :Ep. 2: Peace Takes Courage/remix 1:44

Take Me Home - Geoffrey Rutledge if you know me, you may be surprised,
this was the one that made me cry, really cry, i could only half see most of it.

Unknown Soldier Trailer 1:00 deja vu

Iraq 1 3:40

iraq 2 3:40

Hellraiser: Bush New World Leader 1:58

my platoon in iraq 10:05

US soldier survives sniper attack in Iraq. 0:32

Iraq Veterans want their buddies to come home 1:33 deja vu

A Vietnam Medic Speaks Up hear him

Operation Truth Ad "Not There" de ja re-vu

IVAW War Veterans And The Practice Of Killing Civilians

Disconnect US from Iraq servicewoman speaks

Marine sings about killing Iraqi Children BBC news story about it

support our troops video 3:29

support our troops part 2 4:35

What really demoralizes the Troops 3:34 vet speaks out

This is War 3:10 GI song; eye witness to his thoughts

Free Fire Zones 2:00

A Reunion of Soldiers (A Vietnam War Reflection) - Trailer 1:37 S Viet soldiers

War Has A Human Face 4:20

baghdad 'mad minute' 1:26

"Caught in a Trap" Elvis both sides

"Their Lives Are More Than A Number" By Ava Lowery our guys' pics, pretty song

M1A2 Abrams Main Battle tanks 4:25

Soldier Sent to Iraq by Mistake 1:37


Why Mejia Went to Jail

Teaching Vietnam (trailer) 7:02

Die for Oil sucker 9:27 Jello Biafra

New World Lies "take the power back" rage


terror again:

Oil Industry Propaganda 3:03 "global warming alarmists"

funny speech 2:23

Bush - State of the Union 2006 - Scaremongering 1:31

Miami "terror" arrests are a joke 2:22 Geraldo

Welcome to the Police State 6:10

9/11 Truth: The Bush Administration uses fear as a weapon 10:52

Pet 4:38 A Perfect Circle

nwo concentration camps 2:02 skeletons spilling out of closets

Enough is Enough 4:06

Terrifying the population Noam Chomsky rocks

ROAD TO TYRANNY sensationalist version of same point

Jews and the Iraq War 3:20

Der Fatherland 3:47



the following section may imply conspiracy

do not belive any of it!! your sanity may be questioned!

funny speech 2:23

Bush Runs the Government Like a Secret Society 3:18

The Oil Factor 1 of 3 4:14 BBC to the rescue again

War for Oil 1 of 3 9:58 BBC to the rescue again, again

Kick The Oil Habbit 3:26

ABO DUDE - PART 1 6:33 sustainable spaces

We do not agree with the Administration 5:04 Barney Frank

Rep. Emanuel - GOP Iraq policy, "See no evil, hear no evil" "this congress walked away"

Why Was No One in US Government Held Accountable for 9/11 ?
simple question!

9/11 Widow Mindy Kleinberg Testifies at 9/11 Commission a much better phrasing of the question,
calculate that probability!

Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist my favorite part of my favorite BBC mini-series: "The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear"

The War on Terror is Bogus (and so is al Qaeda) 10:57 domestic part of my favorite BBC mini-series: "The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear"

9/11 Truth: The Bush Administration uses fear as a weapon incite-full

PBS- Dick Cheney wanted to attack Iraq right after 9/11 8:24 deja vu

Dick Cheney : Ultrahawk, Neocon, Traitor 8:58CBC Dick doesn't

Unusual Evacuations & Power-Downs in the WTC Prior To 9/11 WTF? just for instance

9/11 Truth: United Flight 93 - Where's the Boeing 757 ? really nice rap tune

Shaking of building before collapse

9/11 Was an Inside Job: Donna Marsh O'Connor Speaks Out just one voice in the wind

The 9-11 Music Video that Should have been Made - Sabotage 2:59 Beasti Boys

The Incredibly Strange Collapse of WTC Building 7 just because the fanatics seem to find it important

George W. Bush and his lying friends interviews

Dear Mr. President woman sings neat folk song

War is peace... or is it?

iraq 4:25

9/11 - Greg Palast talks about 911 & the Bush Administration 21:35

9/11 An Excellent Expose - Where are the planes? 43:39

Bush Protest 2005

All Those Lies 4:38

The Deepest Secrets of 9/11 (means, motive & opportunity) 9:30

Inside Job 911 9:36 Jim Marrs

Pentagon Stike 5:41 wow

New Pentagon Footage (May 16th, 2006) 5:20 FOX NEWS

Apologies from the American People 8:42

"Crime of the Century," Supertramp 5:52

The Shocker 9:18 New World Reich

WANTED: For Crimes Against Humanity 1:04

UnCovered - The War On Iraq - Low Res 1:40

Bush and 9/11: In His Own Words 0:43

WAKE UP! "Inside Job" Don Henley /

Where is the outrage?!

Yesterday's Tomorrow 7:46

WANTED: For Crimes Against Humanity 1:04

King George Bush 8:44

Rumsfeld Vs. Mckinney 8:56 C-Span /; Dynacore human trafficing? / who has the contract? 9/11 war games impairment?

Cynthia McKinney Speech 7:23 who are we? what have we become?

The friends of Cynthia McKinney 1:41

Murtha: Military still spinning Haditha massacre 10:03

Thank God For Murtha 1:35

Soaring Eagles and Chicken Hawks 8:24 Democrat and Republican vets

White House Could Use a Director of Irony 1:14

Eyewitness reportage about haditha massacre 3:12

Murtha to Rove 4:18

Rep. Murtha - It's easy when you're in air conditioning 2:33

The Murtha Principle (part 1) 9:20

The Murtha Principle (part 2) 5:41

Murtha responds to Bush's criticisms 18:16

One-sided, Last-minute, Take it or leave it 1:36 cut from issues so as to run next nov

I have no choice but to conclude that our President... 8:09

Rep. Slaughter - The Republican Play Book on Iraq 3:14

Paris Hilton Can Buy More Bling

Cost of War 1:15

Which government programs will be cut to fund the Iraq War? 2:34

Rep. Solis - I Rise Today 3:14

Bush response to "UnChecked Power" allegations 1:42

George Bush ~ I'm Just Following Orders 2:29

new world order conspiracy theory 7:53 alex jones

NWO From The Mouths of The Elite 8:31

911 Eyewitness (part 1 of 3) 31:01

War for Oil - Part 1/3 9:58 BBC

Main Freedoms 4:15

VIETNAM LESSONS: MILITARY LEADERS vs PRESIDENT BUSH 5:13 generals don't like the war???????

Bush Quiz on Worl Leaders


Bulls on Parade 4:50


Tankers, core assets

Tanks 61,200 kg bouncing, awesome

US Military: Youth of the Nation; kid stuff


this is what we actually do with this 2.35-4.3 million dollar core asset
crew incl.

IED vs tank

you tink we use'n deese tings right? hey dere hey?

Running over some stuff...0:25

M1A1 Abrams Crushes Insurgent Huts 0:39

american tank geos into air in irak

M1A1 Abrams Main Gun vs VBIED 2

US Abrams M1A1 Tank hits Powerful IED 0:07

Re: US Abrams M1A1 hit with IED

Fallujah - Tankers Dream

Fallujah Halo 4:17

Fallujah 27:07 'suspicions'; napalm deployed, ILLEGAL AS SHIT!!

Injured Americans in Tank 1:25 the lucky few

Freedom Spilling Oil 4:02 the rest



below this line are some pretty horid images, of dead and dying, from both sides,

the only thing that makes it any better than snuff films, is that they would
have died anyway; so watch and learn, or not.


US army vs insurgent mortar team priceless 1:27 predator ad

No One Wins 5:44

Security Guards Driving Around Slaughtering Iraqi Civilians 2:29 new kind of vet, subcontractors; what will they be like back home?

So, George, What Price Have YOU Paid? 2:40

Crimeline 4:25"clean my wounds" corrosion of conformity /

BushWhacked 3:48

All is Not Okay2

Hold Them Accountable "Hard Rain" Dylan

The whole truth about the Iraq war; both sides

occupation 101this one is really good; 3:55

collateral damage/gimme shelter

Civil War in Iraq

Sunday,Bloody Sunday By G. W. Bush i won't heed the battle cry

Psycho Killer 5:39 Talking Heads

Masters of War 7:43 Pearl Jam

irak 2:00 stone throwers get beaten badly

Car Crash AmericaUSA-holes

Suicidal Insurgency 1:10

President George W. Bush Says "Bring 'em on" 0:31

Bush Regrets Saying "Bring 'em on" 1:28

Throwing Stones 7:23 The Dead

Inauguration 2005 4:52

Fire burns at Bush January 2005 Inauguration 0:08

Condeleeza Rice Anti-War Protest / Demonstration 1:11

Man Jumps White House Fence


Helicopter gets shot down





insurgent attacks































Black water in najaf2

























Iraq fallujah 3:15

3 former terrorists talk about their culture 16:16

Collect Call from History 6:33

Iraq...Al-Qaeda Hotel Attack 1:00 the real dogs of war - arf arf

Insurgents taken out by a 50 Cal; 01:09

3 former terrorists talk about their culture CN8

lebanon and its buety and wat happend to it

Lebanon War With Isreal

Close the School of the Americas (SOA/WHINSEC)

Close the SOA

Reasons for US Wars - a brief history activist speaks

War... What Is It Good For 2:56

angry lullaby

shotgunning in nam

Where Have All The Flowers Gone?/Kingston Trio opium


imagine by John how can you take your heart out of it?


We Are Everywhere

New World Lies "take the power back" rage

Amazing BigDog Military Robot Dog 2:59 at first i thought it was 2 guys in a silly suit

YEARLYKOS Con :Ep. 2: Peace Takes Courage/remix

Hold Them Accountable (Full Length) 6:03

California Uber Alles LIVE 1981 Dead Kennedys told you so

Jello Biafra at the black cat in DC 9:52

Mad World 3:21 (911, Iraq, War, Bush and the T.V. Nightmare)

All Those Lies 4:38

THE BIG KABOOM 4:33 jello biafra

IraqAttack 5:31

Jackson Browne - "Lives In The Balance" 3:37


where do you start? where to end?

From The Ashes 7:48

Willy Whitefeather on 'HOPE' 8:08 VISION SEED

Jerusalem-Based Rabbi Discusses Present Conflict 8:14 testify brother!

Addicted to YouTube

Cockroach with Wireless camera on it

Cockroach Controlled Mobile Robot 1:53

Juba The Sniper 4:51 sniper montauge

Protests at Israeli Consulate in Houston 0:48


in case you've missed the upside, here's a recap:

Sami Yousuf- Hasbi Rabbi 6:08 mmmm, muslim holy pop!

Rebbe Rabbi Shelka of Nikolsburg 6:50

Rabbi Yitzchok, Son of Rabbi Noson of Nemerov Rebbe Nachman 6:09

What Is Permaculture 8:45

ABO DUDE - PART 1 6:33 more permaculture

Jerusalem-Based Rabbi Discusses Present Conflict 8:14 testify brother!

Peace Starts With Your LIPS 1:16

this is dedicated to my dad.


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