Thursday, March 3
4:30 – 6 p.m.
Gather on the corner of 76th & North


By now you’ve heard about Scott Walker’s proposed budget, and its assault on the state and public services we’ve valued for so many years.  His efforts to take away hard fought collective bargaining rights for public employees is an attack on all middle class citizens of the state.

Scott Walker’s vision of Wisconsin and America is a society governed, not by the citizens and their public agents, but by a handful of wealthy people and outside interests who surely know how to make money, but don’t know how to protect the environment, provide for our health and safety, educate our children, plow our roads — and who don’t answer to us!

Across the state — and the nation! — people have been speaking out against theunprecedented power grab by Walker, and his simultaneous attempts to undermine public education and dismantle our state government.

Now it’s time for Tosans to make our voices heard.

Rally for Fiscal Sanity in Wauwatosa, at 76th and North, 4:30-6 p.m. Let’s join together to say loudly and clearly that don’t want to go where Walker wants to take us, our city, and our state.