Call put out by Madison for the Penokees.
Show up for me & my busted transmissionFrom: Carl Sack - Call put out by Madison for the Penokees.
Sen. Scott Fitzgerald didn't like even the modest changes to AB 426, the disastrous iron mining bill now before the legislature, made by the committee he himself created, so today he unilaterally dissolved the committee and sent the bill to Joint Finance, where it will almost certainly get forwarded to the Senate floor. He sent a message loud and clear to everyone who cares about our state's environment and people: no democracy for you.
On Friday, we're going to send a message to Fitzgerald and the rest of the Senate: It's not about partisan politics. It's about the water.
The Joint Finance Committee will hold a public hearing on AB 426 on Friday at 10 AM in Capitol room 412 East. The previously scheduled Platteville hearing has been cancelled. We are asking everyone who can come to meet in the Capitol Rotunda at 9:30 AM. Please bring a jar of water. This is not a rally, and it's nothing illegal or dangerous. You'll find out more when you get there. Whether or not you can make it in the morning, come to the Rotunda again at 1:00 PM for a different action.
Again, that's:
-9:30 AM in the Rotunda
-1:00 PM in the Rotunda
-Bring a jar of water
That's it. See you Friday.
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