Welcome Home May Day! Allness This Week May 2nd
Occupy brings popular celebration of May Day back to the streets of the USA.
Return to 1886, Haymarket Square Massacre, Chicago, the origin story:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2012/may/01/why-us-unions-need-occupy-may-day - video 5:13
May Day History - From Pagans to OWS; Thom Hartmann - video 2:47
This May Day really is just the kick-off of what plans to become an unmanageable morass of scheduled resistance to many of the corporations supporting CISPA at every location possible. This summer is going to be hot, climate change or not.
Anonymous Announces #OpDefense: Two Months of #CISPA Retaliation, Beginning May 1st
The following links are somewhat categorized and are otherwise listed in no particular order.
I have not read, nor do I endorse, them all. They all have actual content.
They were selected largely by placing high on the google results late May 1st, or being linked to articles that did.
Riots & Vandalism:
There's a new norm, fit muscular clean-cut military bearing type black block random vandals wearing brand new clothes
(no, it's not really new, just "improved", and more obvious).
choices selections from this post - http://sync.democraticunderground.com/12522465
"Many police have been resisting making arrests, even on rioters they witnessed attacking property. One guy said he saw them stand aside as rioters moved past."
- Small Riot in San Fran part 2 4/30/12
Chris Hedges, Amy Goodman, Amin Husain, Marina Sitrin
several local news videos from Seattle
http://thisainthell.us/blog/?p=29764&cpage=1#comment-616878 - May Day riots unfolding in Seattle
"Many police have been resisting making arrests, even on rioters they witnessed attacking property. One guy said he saw them stand aside as rioters moved past."
"the same youths picked up the smoke bombs lobbed by the police and threw them toward pedestrians."
Occupy Type Sourced:
WOW, lotsa links here!
lotsa stories here
Occupy Londen
Green Party, Related, or Mentioned:
much more on NYC May Day at http://www.onthewilderside.com/
same article, different picture:
Thom Hartmann on the News
http://obrag.org/?p=59408 - May Day Reports from San Francisco and Seattle
"As is generally the case, because it isn’t being initiated by people that fit their textbook definition of “workers,” the ISO is opposed to it. Moreover, it’s dangerous because the “ultra-left” doesn’t think about how “alienating” it will be to “workers.” It’s the same old song and dance: because they aren’t controlling it and because it doesn’t fit a more than 100 year old formula of how “change” happens, it must go." ... "it’s not just the more obvious power plays of the Democratic Party, it’s across the board—from the Democrats to the socialists in the ISO who claim that “the time isn’t right.” They always want to control the uncontrollable."
somewhat notable as worthy for it's lack of an attack on the Green Party
also at http://beyondthecusp.wordpress.com/ , but w/out the pretty pictures.
Photo galleries
http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2012-05/D9UG3VBO0.htm - A look at May Day moods around the world - AP
http://www.philly.com/philly/news/nation_world/149770275.html - May Day 2012 is more venting than celebrating
AP from Madrid
http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2012-05/D9UFV5M81.htm - World workers express anger, gloom on May Day
AP from Madrid
Stinging gas sends May Day protesters fleeing
Other Localities:
Occupy Rochester
"Wasn’t she involved with a questionable incident during the G20 that left people thinking that the police and the Black Bloc were working together as a team?"
Comes With Idiocy Warnings To One Degree Or Another:
http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=51216 - Occupy Wall Street kicks off May Day riots and "general strike"
Stand with workers by ruining jobs!
Other Stuff:
a very good and pleasently personalized interview with a nice picture of Jill I had not yet seen
an excellent overview of the situation and some very personal dialog
#OccupyMiami Moves into Wells Fargo Bank - American Spring Cleaning is Coming!
kittens, puppies, and baby bunnies! (jus sayin)
while reading these, please comment widely and wildly!
IMAO, this cat is out of the bag, and the bag is out of the box.
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