Green Party Candidates on YouTube
Green Party Candidates' videos can be found on, this is by no means an exhaustive list.
Please share these videos with those who have not had a chance to hear these candidates speak.
Rae Vogler:
Vogler; Telling It Like It Is 0:29Vogler; Another WI Senator with a Spine! 2:50Vogler; John Nichols interview; Vote in your interests, not your fears 3:44Vogler; John Nichols interview; Rae represents working Wisconsinites 3:45Vogler; John Nichols interview; discusses the roots of her political activism 4:08Vogler; Interview; websiteNelson Eisman:
Eisman; Debate! 4:51Eisman; Priceless 0:36Eisman; Pre-debate ad 0:29Eisman; Post-debate ad 0:29Eisman; HUGE 0:45Eisman for Wisconsin; websiteHowie Hawkins, running against Hilary in NY:
Howie Hawkins for U.S. Senator 2006 not Hillary Clinton! 7:18Howie Hawkins Green Party US Senate - TV Spot 0:30Hawkins at Debate Protest 6:24Howie not Hillary (in less then a minute) 0:56In this interview Hawkins presents great plans for three major planks of the Green platform.Howie Hawkins Interviewed by Don DeBar WBAI on his platform 7:47 (part 1 of 3)This one is of Howie, and some others talking together.
Green Party 06 candidates chat 8:56
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