Sunday, October 03, 2010

WIGP Officers Election; Needed District Rep. Nominations

As of Oct. 2nd's WIGP General Membership Gathering, all 2010 terms have expired.
Every district and caucus, except 7th Dist., are short of full representation.

These officer terms expired:
Co-Chairs - Bruce Hinkforth
Treasurer(s) - Ron Hardy
Recording Secretary - Claude VanderVeen
(thank you all for duty above and beyond the call)

These people were elected as officers:
Co-Chairs - Claude VanderVeen & AJ Segneri
Treasurer(s) - Ron Hardy
Corresponding Secretary - Larry Dooley
Recording Secretary - Monte Letourneau
(officers do not count towards representation of their home district by two CC members, nor towards each caucus' one member)

These District Rep (WIGP CC) 2010 terms expired:

1st Dist. - Pete Karas, 2nd District 
2nd Dist. - Larry Dooley
3rd Dist. - Dennis Boyer
4th Dist. - Tommy King & Leon Todd
6th Dist. - Fred Depies

These District Reps serve through 2011:
3rd Dist. - Monte Letourneau (invalidated by election to Secretary)
5th Dist. - Mike McCallister
6th Dist. - Dean Katahira
7th Dist. - James Spychalla
8th Dist. - Jill Bussiere

These District Reps were appointed to the WIGP CC,
by Membership Gathering consensus (as opposed to by district caucuses, or recent precedent):
5th Dist. - Bruce Hinkforth
7th Dist. - Cindy Stimmler

GPUS NC Delegates and alternates were elected,
two nominations for delegate are sought to replace our alternates.

This is the current state of internal representation in WIGP:
All Caucus - none
1st through 4th Dist. - none
5th Dist. - Bruce Hinkforth
6th Dist. - Dean Katahira
7th Dist. - James Spychalla & Cindy Stimmler

This leaves about 14 WIGP CC seats, and 2 GPUS NC seats, empty!
The CC seats are the most important.
We must meet at the local or district level to try to fill these seats.

Districts that cannot meet at the local level may need to seek appointment(s) at next General Membership Gathering.

Self nominations, especially by women, are encouraged.

monte letourneau
WIGP CC Rec. Sec., GPUS NC Delegate
also at &

Posted via email from geanark's posterous


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